Sengoku otome (15)
Hataraku maou-sama (15)
Cats eye (15)
Higurashi no naku koro ni | when they cry (15)
Skullgirls (15)
Toriko (15)
Shuffle (15)
Toaru majutsu no index | a certain magical index (15)
Major (15)
Ar tonelico (15)
Qualidea code (15)
Kiniro mosaic (15)
The melancholy of haruhi suzumiya | suzumiya haruhi no yuuutsu (15)
Da capo ii (15)
Tera (15)
Papa no iu koto wo kikinasai (15)
Sengoku collection (15)
Seishun buta yarou wa bunny girl senpai no yume o minai (15)
Arpeggio of blue steel (15)
Pangya (15)
Fire emblem mystery of the emblem (15)
Black butler (15)
Tamako market (15)
Sayonara zetsubou sensei (15)
Healin good precure (15)
Tejina senpai (15)
Ashita no nadja (15)
D.gray-man (15)
Blend s (15)
Kasumin (15)
Seraph of the end (15)
The world god only knows (15)
Princess crown (14)
Uma musume pretty derby (14)
Betterman (14)
Black butler | kuroshitsuji (14)
Saint seiya (14)
Star gladiator (14)
Ecoko (14)
Beat blades haruka (14)
Mayo chiki (14)
Kino no tabi (14)
Gundam build divers (14)
Undertale (14)
Spider-man (14)
Asobi ni iku yo (14)
Okusan (14)
Moyashimon (14)
Gad guard (14)
Honkai gakuen (14)
Final fantasy viii (14)
Hamtaro (14)
Kaleido star (14)
Fushigiboshi no futagohime | twin princesses of the wonder planet (14)
Catherine (14)
Dragon quest dai no daibouken (14)
Ore no imouto ga konna ni kawaii wake ga nai | my little sister cant be this cute (14)
Kaguya-sama wa kokurasetai | kaguya-sama love is war (14)
Frame arms girl (14)
Overwatch (14)
Hanasaku iroha (14)
Umineko no naku koro ni (14)
Show by rock (13)
Yoru no yatterman (13)
Bamboo blade (13)
Ouran high school host club (13)
Voltron (13)
Kuttsukiboshi (13)
Gunslinger girl (13)
Variable geo (13)
Saint tail (13)
Licca vignette (13)
Final fantasy unlimited (13)
Dragon quest x (13)
Hinabita (13)
El hazard (13)
Karakai jouzu no takagi-san (13)
Mahou tsukai no yoru (13)
Selector infected wixoss (13)
Phantasy star online 2 (13)
Lupin iii (13)
Final fantasy iv (13)
Occult academy (13)
Lord of lords ryu knight (13)
Fancy lala (13)
Megido 72 (12)
Fantasy earth zero (12)
Shugo chara (12)
Mm (12)
Shironeko project (12)
Medabots (12)
Os-tan (12)
Occultic nine (12)
Tales of graces (12)
Elsword (12)
Ginga e kickoff (12)
Wingman (12)
Claymore (12)
Mega man legends (12)
Virtua fighter (12)
Expelled from paradise (12)
Monster musume no iru nichijou (12)
Mahoujin guru guru (12)
Dumbbell nan kilo moteru (12)
Cowboy bebop (12)
Mawaru penguindrum (12)
Super doll licca-chan (12)
Kaguya-sama wa kokurasetai (12)
Pia carrot (12)
Sangokushi taisen (12)
Berserk (12)
Final fantasy x-2 (12)
Boku dake ga inai machi (12)
Robot girls z (12)
Viper (12)
Gate - jietai kano chi nite kaku tatakaeri (11)
Star ocean 2 (11)
Space battleship yamato 2199 (11)
Reco love (11)
Sora wo kakeru shoujo (11)